
Yes – you read it right – menopause! It’s not a curse or a dirty word, and yet there is a stigma in our society around it. Hence, this blog entry is dedicated to all of the women out there who are peri and post menopausal. Since I have officially joined you, I’m writing about it.

Menopause is not a death sentence, on the contrary – many women find this change to be a powerful and positive one in their lives. Personally, I agree with this statement. I have certainly paid my dues as a woman and so I celebrate my entry into menopause.

Rather than fear or succomb to the notion that since I am a middle aged woman, I’d better take it easy when it comes to exercise. The opposite is true – I need to continue to stretch and exercise aerobically every day and strength train 2 – 3 times a week to stay healthy, fit and prevent the loss of bone and muscle mass. Truth be told anyone over 30 should  strength train regularly. This applies to both men and women.

Back to menopause, the change or the passage as they call it, is a time of renewed energy, new pursuits, new passions, new adventures need I say more!

Body Image

I have come to appreciate that much of my work as a fitness professional is helping people develop a healthy relationship with their body. I wish for every person to accept and be comfortable with and in their body.

I have seen too many women and men scrutinize every inch of their bodies only to discover a litany of defects – a sagging belly, a jiggling tricep, a big butt – the list goes on. On an endless quest and never satisfied, they berate themselves, and buy into the pop culture/fitness myths such as: “In a few moves or for only 10 minutes a day – or in 8 weeks or less you will have a better, and of course, sexier body, if you follow this program or that program – you’ll look like this celebrity or that.”  (No thank you – I just want to look like me.) I don’t necessarily blame these people – I blame our culture – especially the media. We are inundated with bodies on a daily basis!

What does the perfect body look like anyway? Is it thin, curvy, supple, voluptuous, hard, soft – and who has one of those anyways? I find that mine has changed over the years. You are bound to be deeply disappointed if you are on a quest  to attain the perfect body. You are missing the point that you already have a body, which you should accept, honor and respect.  Your striving can be easily derailed with sudden illness – injury and the inevitable fact that you will age like the rest of us. So wake up and enjoy what you’ve got! It’s more than adequate.

Bootcamp? Zumba? Step? Kickboxing? Yoga? What Class is Right for You?

With the myriad of group fitness classes offered these days through gyms, town programs and studios – how do you know what’s right for you?

Rule of Thumb:

Is the instructor qualified/certified? How long have they been teaching? Are they knowledgable? Are they accessible? Do they communicate well?

Did they inquire about your current health status? If you have a special medical concern can they make modifications for you in the class? (If not, it may not be the right class for you).

What are the expectations of the class? Size? Will you be safe? Will you be able to keep up with the pace? Will you be challenged appropriately? Will you meet your goals?

Is the class enjoyable? Does it flow? Does the time pass quickly? How do you feel afterwards?

You should be thoughtful and use your common sense when it comes to choosing a class. Pick something that you realisticallly can participate in. For example, if you are just rehabilitating an injury, boot camp may not be the right choice for you, whereas a gentle stretching class may be an alternative until you are healed.

Good luck and most of all enjoy!

A Recent Testimonial

A group fitness participant recently wrote me:

“Since starting your class, in conjunction with Weight Watchers, I’ve lost 5.2 pounds. I’ve lost an inch off my bust, another off my waist, yet another off my hips, one and a half inches off my thighs (yes, you read that right!) an inch off my arms, and even an inch off my neck (never knew I would lose an inch there!). 6.5 inches total. Wow. I can’t remember the last time I saw results like this. Quickly. And while having fun.

I sleep better at night. Almost a full 8 hours.

My size 6 dress I wore in my brother’s wedding two years ago was a little snug before I started class – I tried it on the other night and realized, it needs to be taken in!

I’m looking forward to the final few weeks of class. And signing up again in the fall.”

I wish for all of my clients and group fitness participants to get the results like this gal!

Gas Consumption

I was in shock this week at the gas pump. My latest purchase of premium amounted to a whopping $53 and I drive a small fuel efficient car that requires premium grade. What are all of those people who drive SUV’s doing? Are they ditching those gas guzzling beasts for something that’s more cost effective and better for our planet?

After spending $53, I’ve decided to walk and to ride my bike as much as I can, even though I still need to drive to my more distant clients. I’m going to make the effort this summer and see how it goes.

I used to commute to a previous job and do all of my errands on my old Trek hybrid, which now weighs a ton! I just can’t bring myself to hop on that monster, so I converted my old road bike to a commuter, “bop around town bike.” I replaced the pedals with toe clips. This way, I don’t need to clip in with cleats. I’ll use them when I go for my long rides on my other road bike.

I’m just happy to do my part to promote cycling, consume less, save the environment and stay healthy as well.  

Got Goal/s

Goals – what’s all the hype about having one, two, four or more? Why should you have a goal to begin with? As far as exercising consistently is concerned, it’s the goal or goals that keep you on track. It’s the goal/s that give you motivation, a sense of accomplishment, purpose and a reason every time you exercise.

I ask of every personal training client and participant in my group fitness classes to create a goal and to write it down. Sometimes this request proves to be a challenge and is met with resistance. “Do I have to have a goal? Why do I need a goal? they ask.” My response is always, “Yes – you do.”

Goals don’t need to be complicated. They can be simple. In fact, simple is best to start with for those beginning or resuming an exercise program. When creating a goal – follow this formula: S.M.A.R.T. = Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound. For example: By August 1, 2008, I will walk in the park (near my office) for 30 minutes, 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays during my lunch break. Does this goal follow the formula? How about – I will walk on most days of the week? or I will walk more often?

Remember goals will help you know where you are and get you to where you want to go – so think S.M.A.R.T. and don’t forget to have fun!

Random Mindfulness Breaks

I don’t know about you – but I am so busy these days that I feel wired – hyper – and distracted. Maybe it’s our culture or just my temperament. Am I a prisoner of my high energy? I think not – lately, the quieter parts of me are beckoning me to call for a silent revolution.

Suddenly I find myself taking random and spontaneous breaks of mindfulness during various times of the day.  I could be sitting in my car in the height of midday traffic – stressed out, on my way to my next client, and I am breathing deeply.  I could be in the crowded parking lot at Trader Joes, impatiently waiting for a spot and there I am breathing again. I could be teaching a demanding class and I close my eyes and just breathe.

The beauty of these occurances is that they are effortless and flexible.  I am not locked into a relaxation/meditation program that adds stress and frustration at my failure to keep up with it. I am not scheduling long sessions or mindfulness appointments with myself. Although I do practice yoga regularly – my practice is unstructured yet consistent.

When it comes to mindfulness breaks – for the time being I am open and satisfied with random and surprising occurances!

Aids Walk Boston

I had a pleasantly suprising request early this week. It came in the form of an email. A coordinator for the Aids Action Committee inquired if I would be interested in being the stretch instructor at the opening ceremony for the Aids Walk this year. Always willing to volunteer my time and services for a good cause, I agreed. I quickly learned that this would entail a five minute stretch segment for approximately 15,000 people on the stage of the hatch shell.

In my work as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, I usually I lead intimate classes of twenty or so people. Today I had the honor to lead thousands of people who were participating in this important event. As I stood before them, and initially called for a moment of silence to honor those who died or are living with aids, I was moved by the  diversity of people who had come to walk. This was affirmed, as the website proudly states, “From all walks of life.”

As I did some further browsing on the website, I discovered, “There are approximately 24,000-26,000 people infected with HIV in Massachusetts. It is estimated that one-quarter to one-third of them do not know that they are infected and are not in treatment.” This is an outrage. Every American must do his or her part to stand for equal access to education and health care for all.  We must ensure that those who are infected know and receive treatment.

Get Out and Play – It’s Never too Late!

Do you perceive exercise as work? Is it a dreaded activity to be avoided at all costs? Have you have lost the spark – or fallen out of the groove? Are you in an exercise rut doing the same old thing? Are your attempts at exercising more consistently faltering? Do you have an all or nothing approach to exercise?

If you answered yes to any of these questions – rest assured that you can get motivated again. For one thing, your mind may be getting in the way – it may be interfering with your efforts for a variety of reasons.

I try to cultivate a child like attitude or curiosity towards exercise. Each day I set aside some time for myself (not rigid but flexible) to either play or to just be. One day it’s a fun bike ride, another a long walk in the woods or on a particularly stressful day, a refreshing pick up game of basketball. One day while in a park – I spontaneously hopped on a swing. I recalled the freedom and pure joy of swinging. There I was light hearted, playing just like a kid again!  

Brookline Bikes Beacon – Bike Parade

This past Sunday at 12:30 over 500 riders of all ages cycled Beacon Street beginning at Amory Park to Cleveland Circle and back to Amory via Audubon Circle. The purpose of this fun ride was to promote cycling in Brookline and to celebrate the conclusion of the Beacon Street construction projects.

As a member of the town bicycling advisory committee, and an avid cyclist, I had the pleasure of planning of this ride. The mass of cyclists riding slowly, confidently and cheerfully up Beacon street was a welcome and quite extraordinary site to behold.  

Along the way I overheard lots of rider’s comments:

“We need to close off Beacon Street, just like Memorial Drive. More people will get out and ride who ordinarily don’t.”

“Many people don’t bike because they are afraid.”

“This is amazing, riding on Beacon without cars!”

Yes – I agreed, as I carefully considered the comments of the crowd. For one thing, it certainly would make history to close off Beacon, or a section of it, (Like Memorial Drive) for cyclists on Sundays during the spring and summer months.

I also considered the idea that biking is becoming more popular in the recent years. Now since the price of gas is at an all time high, and environmental issues are critical to our future, perhaps more people will consider cycling as viable option for transportation and health and fitness.

I encourage you to ride for the sheer fun and joy if not for any other reason. When I ride, I feel like a kid again!