Are you one of those obsessive and meticulous type of exercise fanatics who keeps brief but detailed records of his or her workouts? Or maybe you cringe at the thought of documenting exercise, let alone excercising. Well I admit, I am one of those obsessive types. I find that maintaining an exercise log keeps me focused, accountable, inspired and proud too!
For example, Yesterday’s entry reads: 3/17/07- “easy spin- 36 miles – cadence 95 – 105, 500 – 600 watts, 90 minutes. Physical therapy exercises.” At first glance this entry may seem ordinary. Yet, no entry is rendered ordinary. Each entry has it’s special place in my log history. This succinct entry like a good trainer gives me feedback, it lets me know what I’ve accomplished and what more I need to do. Since I am training for a half a century bike ride in May, and rehabbing my knee at the same time, I need as much motivation, accountability and inspiration that I can get. So I’m logging those workouts – each one a victory – a significant step towards my goal and my recovery.
My log also has a place to write thoughts, like yesterday’s, “What am I doing spinning indoors to the pulsating beat of techno like a determined sprinter competing in a time trial? I really want to be casually riding on the open road in 70 degrees with the wind on my face and the clicking of my gears shifting, a wide grin plastered on my face.”
Or some days I rejoice and write the word “OFF” in bold. Yeah – I feel quite intrepid taking a day OFF! Afterall, one needs time off, to rest, revive and rejuvinate the mind, body and spirit. I make a quick mental note that in the past months I’ve taken a number of days off.
Today’s entry proudly reads: “Aqua jogged 60 minutes. Physical Therapy Exercises.”
Inspired, I carefully sift through old logs and find all sorts of great surprises – an old bib number 3224 from the Tufts 10k race with the pins still in it reminds me of when I shaved seven minutes off my time, or there are scribbled notes about creepy swimming and getting tangled and twisted by water lillies and vines while training for a summer triathlon in my friend’s pond in Maine.
I smile and review this past week’s activities. I just may write OFF in bold tomorrow.