Young at Heart

Are you young at heart? I certainly hope so.

I just saw the documentary, “Young at Heart.” This poignant and inspiring film is about a chorus of seniors from Northampton, who perform worldwide and sing songs like James Brown’s, “I Feel Good,” and Sonic Youth’s, “Schizophrenia.”

Being a singer myself, I can relate to the power of singing. I sing for sanity, to feel good, to ease knee pain, and because I have a voice! Singing like exercise transforms you and those who either join or hear you.

There should be no barriers to your ability to learn to sing or to exercise, unless you create them. In my profession, I have seen too many people devise or succumb to barriers that prevent them from living. I have also seen people defy the stereotype of aging and dealing with illness. Just because you are old or sick, does not mean that you are unable, as this vibrant chorus of seniors proves otherwise.

Our culture values and prizes youth and beauty. Everywhere we look – magazines, TV, movies – bombard us with “prettty/beautiful people,” models and/or celebrities who prey upon our vulnerabilities. We begin to fear aging, so we fight it and deny it with all kinds of methods. Yet despite our efforts, all of us will hopefully get to grow old. The most important thing is to remain young at heart! To go on living in spite of our age!



Ah – Spring is Here!

Just got back this week from Scotland, and I was pleasantly surprised to see signs of spring in Boston. On the taxi ride home from Logan, I spotted people out walking, cycling and running. I thought of all of those people for whom fitness is a seasonal activity. Suddenly they appear from hibernating, resuming their activity.

While in the Hightlands of Scotland, I noticed that regardless of the weather, people carried on with their outdoor activities. There was no lapse, because of the weather: the rain, the cold or the wind.

Why is it that for some people fitness seems to be seasonal? The weather is bad – so they curtail their outdoor activity. When the weather is good there they are – out and about. I demand a fitness revolution – Get Out Year Round. Don’t wait for the spring!

Gone Walking! (Vacationing in Scotland)

Hi ya! That’s how the locals say hello in Scotland. While vacationing in the glorious Great Glen (Scottish Highlands), I spotted people of all ages, shapes and sizes out walking in the magnificent countryside. There they were with their backpacks, wool socks, poles, and hats trekking the wide open spaces – rain or shine. What an inspiration it was seeing so many people outdoors walking and cycling. I decided to join them and so one lovely afternoon, I took to the hills of Laggan. 

There I was strolling slowly while admiring the lovely loch (lake) to my right and Ben Nevis (the highest mountain in Britain), hidden in the distance. I walked just to be out, to enjoy the scenery and the brisk air. It was such a simple act – no elaborate plan, no goal, no intention – just the freedom to amble!

The Inner Critic

Everyone has one. Mine can get me into trouble if I don’t notice it and pay careful attention. Like the time it convinced me to exercise at a high intensity and longer duration, when I clearly needed a day of rest. Or the time it admonished me for taking a few days off.

The dialogue went like this:

Inner Critic: “Do something! Get out and ride! You’re going to lose your aerobic capacity if you keep this up!”

Me: “Ok – I hear you. Why are you so concerned? What are you afraid of?”  

Inner Critic: “You’ve got to keep moving, otherwise your osteoarthritis will get the better of you. Besides, you have a job to do! How are you going to be a trainer, if you’re not in great shape? You can’t afford a decline in your fitness level!”

Me: “My goodness, you sure do have lots of concerns! Thanks for sharing them. Rest assured, I can take care of me if you’ll just trust me and give me some space!”

Inner Critic: “Ok – you’re off the hook for now! Until next time.”

That was a sample of my inner critic. Each day I witness inner critics wreaking havoc with others. For example, a client’s inner critic kept harassing her about her triceps. In this case, it was so focused on her triceps that it interfered with her ability to enjoy the exercise and appreciate her efforts. Another time, it didn’t stop with triceps, but went for the entire body! In this case, the critic was relentless.

The critic is just one part of me. There are so many others – such as the striver. When the striver and critic team up there’s a real celebration or tension.

Singing – another kind of athleticism

Since I was a kid, I have loved music. I think it was the years that I spent singing in my rocking chair along with Peter, Paul and Mary, or pretending to be on the show, “Community Auditions,”  or screaming wildly while twisting to Beatles 45’s. The roots of music were instilled in me early on.

At seven, I convinced my parents to buy me a guitar so I could take lessons, which they did. I remember one of my first teachers would show up barefoot to my house, another teacher would run out to Friendly’s for ice cream during my lesson. (He never offered to get me a peppermint stick scoop.) My last teacher had narcolepsy. Eventually I became disiilusioned and burnt out. In high school, I discovered that it was my voice that captivated (anyone who was willing to listen), not my guitar playing – damn!  

It was only recently that I began to discover the true potential of my voice, thanks to a gifted teacher. I had intended on singing contemporary. She insisted that my voice was perfect for classical. She was right. Training to sing classical music is a unique experience, a vocal athleticsim that is quite demanding physically as well as psychologically and intellectually. It requires a deep focus, trust and will that is holistic. Singing is calming, healing and liberating (similar to exercise). It is challenging on multiple levels, because you are your instrument. You must rely on your breath support, perfect body alignment, posture, flexibilty and strength. There is so much to pay attention to when you sing. You must get out of your own way, not to control and learn to let go – to free the voice.  Try it and see for yourself!

“Spark – The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain” – by John Ratey, MD

I have just finished reading John Ratey’s comprehensive and revolutionary book about what exercise can do for the brain. Ratey, a highly respected psychiatrist, has researched this subject extensively and concluded what I have always suspected and known – that exercise is the best medicine. Finally we have proof in this groundbreaking book. Daily exercise is necessary for everyone regardless of age or health because it is excellent prevention and treatment for a host of conditions.   

I personally experienced and tested Ratey’s thesis last year.  I had a family crisis coupled with two knee surgeries, in which I temporarlily lost my ability to exercise at a crucial time. I was thrown for a loop to say the least! Luckily, my past experiences and history with exercise fostered physical and psychological resilience, let alone kept my brain clear and sharp. I was able to focus, to recover and to discover new options, despite the physical and psychological challenges of last year.

The beauty of this book is that it addresses a variety of common and critical issues that affect us all, such as learning, stress, anxiety, depression, and aging and more. This book is truly inspiring, because whether you are sedentary, a fitness enthusiast or an extreme athlete, there is hope in the ability to change your health and brain at any age! For further information – check out


I have never had to administer CPR or First Aid until Friday evening.

I was laughing and happily conversing with my husband while eating dinner, when a piece of food suddenly became trapped in my airway. I started to choke.

I stood up, coughed and gasped for air to no avail. My husband in shock, hit me in my back between the shoulder blades.  I continued to cough and struggle for air. In that strange and surreal moment, I saw my life flash by me.

It quickly occured to me, that ironically, I was having a medical emergency. With little time to panic, I continued to cough to try to dislodge the food. Some of it came up, but not enough to stop the choking.  Being the kind of person who is trained and able to think and act quickly during an emergency, I relied upon my instincts. I had to do something. But what?  I had to locate the obstruction. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. I found a small piece and quickly pried it out of my airway. 

Still in a state of shock and disbelief, I realized that I was Ok. I was going to live. I could breathe freely. I began to breathe deeply and fully with audible gasps, the primal sounds of life. I was glad to have made it through this harrowing moment. My family quickly engulfed me with hugs and kisses.

I am fortunate that this incident had a happy ending, while there are others who have died as a result of choking. I have never been one to take for granted that medical emergencies occur in a instant. I never imagined that I would be the victim.

“I Should Exercise”

People often tell me, “I should exercise,” or “I know that I could exercise if I had more time,” or “I would exercise if I was in better shape.” I haven’t even asked them if they exercise and they share or confess all the reasons that they should and would, if they only could!

The words “should, would, and could” are quite misleading and inaccurate. These vapid words don’t work – because they do nothing to inspire or motivate the countless numbers of people who need to exercise (and everyone does without exception). They set us up to fail. Why? Because there is no spark to ignite the fire – to jumpstart the engine and get most sedentary people off the couch.

I prefer to replace the shoulds, woulds and coulds, with the word want. With want – I have created a desire, an intention. I feel the beginnings of an urge, a need, more importantly, a spark – “I want to go for a quick walk.” To take it a step further, I utilize the creative and effective technique of visualization.  In my mind’s eye, I see myself walking briskly around the Jamaica Pond on a chilly sunny day. I have on a my favorite ski parka, warm hat, fleece scarf and gloves.” On another occasion I visualize myself taking a long walk just before sunset – there I go – I am out the door and into the sunset!

The next time you hear yourself saying should, would or could – change the word to WANT.. imagine and visualize what unfolds! You may be pleasantly surprised.

The Abs Obsession

In my group fitness classes there is always a participant who is yearning to crank out numerous repetitions of crunches. Frankly, I’d rather not subject participants to endless crunches that seem serve no purpose, other than to provide the false illusion that their fat will shrink or melt away. To my dismay, many people still believe that if they crunch to no end, they can spot reduce the fat or excess adipose tissue. I want to dispell this myth once and for all.

I understand where this fallacy is coming from, since our culture is obsessed with looking fit, young and sexy. God forbid, you should be old, out of shape, and have a flabby midriff, never mind young with a similar condition – that is an absoltute sin.

In this day and age, many clients are focused on aesthetics with function often taking a back seat. In one class, I had a participant consistently demand that we do traditional abs, while the rest of the group said, “You are doing/using your abs in the class!”

So what is all the hype about doing abs? Is it relentless crunching on the floor, bench, stability ball, or bosu? Can one do abs in an upright and functional position? Can one refuse to do abs in their traditional form and still work their abs? The answer is ABSolutely. For those that want a more traditional approach, I recommend Pilates because it is a smart, safe and effective approach that requires body awareness, control and precision without compromising your neck and low back. For others, like me, who like to be on their feet, there are endless ways to work the abs in a functional/non-traditional manner!

The Best Medicine

We live in an age where medications for a host of ailments are promoted and peddled during prime time television. Quick relief and easy solutions seem to offer a magic pill for the average consumer. These ads presume to offer the hope, promise and deliverance from insomnia, high cholesterol, depression, the list goes on. 

Whatever became of old fashioned/traditional medications like – a bowl of healthy soup, a walk, a pickup game of basketball, a night out dancing??

How about EXERCISE for the best prevention – the best medicine in most cases?