Fitness Trends for 2009 – Bootcamps, Circuit Training, Fitness on a Budget…….

A new year most always brings updated fitness trends. With so much hype in this ever evolving industry, how does one know what’s worthwhile and what isn’t?

Rule of thumb: If it sounds too good to be true – it probably isn’t going to work. For example, most ads and supplements that promise flat abs or fat melting techniques are bogus – consumer beware of those snake oil sales people hawking unrealistic quick fitness solutions!

Instead seek efficient and effective programs like Bootcamps, Circuit Training and affordable fitness. I have been teaching boot camps for a number of years now. They continue to grow in popularity each year.

This year brings a new venture: circuit training style classes at Newton South’s state of the art center (offered through Newton Community Education). These classes are affordable, safe, fun and results-oriented of course!

For those wanting to hire my services as a personal trainer – I offer phone, internet and a new hybrid program of onsite/phone training all priced reasonably. No need for expensive and fancy fitness gimmicks when you can have the real SHEBANG!

Down with the Fitness Regime

The words “fitness regime,” grabbed me from the calm of the yoga magazine I was quietly reading. My body immediately flinched and tighted as I encountered these harsh words. The notiion of a dictator standing stiffly at attention in uniform came to mind – a megalomaniacal fitness general who was going to whip me into shape at all costs. Instead of saluting this evil fitness dictator, I rebelled and yelled (at the magazine), “Down with the Fitness Regime!”

I thought of all those people for whom the notion of exercise is a regime. They feel like it is a prison, which they can’t control or escape. These people are unlikely to want to exercise. Notice how language can influence and bias our perception and shape our attitude. I want to encourage everyone to exercise freely, not hold them captive in a regime!




New Year’s Resolutions: Less Striving – More Playing!

It’s that time of year when most of us make our New Year’s resolutions. We will get fit, quit smoking, stop drinking too much, overeating, get a life, a lover, consume less etc. You get my drift. Yet how many of us are able to fulfill them?

I have decided to pare mine down this year. Instead of setting a number of unattainable goals, I am focusing on small realistic ones that I can see to fruition. Rather than set myself up for failure, I am writing down specific goals for various areas in my life.  The writing down makes the goal offical so it is more likely to occur. I also keep the goal in a visible place so I can remember it!

For example, in my group fitness classes I want to recapture a sense of fun and playfulness. Too many parts of us tend to strive. They lose sight of the joy inherent in just doing and being in the moment. These parts are more dominant, while our playful parts may be squandered at the expense of our strivers that want us to get fit in 8 weeks. I have been guilty of striving to perfection.

The moment my strivers began to relax, I noticed wonderful things start to happen. I became less critical and judgemental of myself, and of others too. This opened up a space for more spontaneity and playfulness. I was able to begin to slow down and notice when my strivers were acting up. They would push me to execise more when I wanted and needed a break. They feared that if I didn’t exercise I may gain some weight. I wanted and needed a day off and so I took it. Voila – a well needed rest and I am refreshed.

My mantra this year is – less striving – more playing! What’s yours?



Stretch and Massage

Do you stretch and massage your muscles and joints after or before your workout? Doing so can reduce stress, prevent injury and enhance your athletic performance, as well as make the activities of daily living easier.

I do my best to stretch/massage on a daily basis. The older I get the less flexible I have become. Some mornings I wake up stiff like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz. Other mornings I wake up and feel limber like Lola, my cat. I do some yoga poses that target my entire body. I love downward dog pose, because it stretches the back body all in one pose!

After I’ve completed some stretches specific to my needs in that moment, I perform a full body, “Self Myo Fascial Release” Technique, which involves rolling out on a 3 foot long 6 inch diameter foam roller. I like to think of it as massaging or ironing out the trigger points or kinks in my muscle tissue.

You can also take a rolling pin and roll out your quads. Try using a tennis ball and rolling on it while lying on your back. You should always linger for 20 – 30 seconds (or as long as you like) on a trigger point. Sometimes I’ll linger on my hips or the knot in my right quadricep. I’ll feel a slight twinge of pain where the knot is located. I’ll remember to linger on it. I have also used a golf ball to roll out the fascia on my feet.

Get creative as you stretch and massage. You’ll notice a difference over time.  

Workouts from Fitness Magazines

It must be that time of year when magazines feature every kind of workout and exercise imaginable for the new year. They pop out from their glossy and glamorous pages. They beckon you to replicate them perfectly. A host of fit people (fitness models) display the latest and greatest in fitness workout trends.

A client recently showed me a new way of stretching her hips that she had discovered in a fitness magazine – a men’s magazine no less. I scrutinized the photo and was mortified by what I saw – a contorted man possessing terrible form!!!!! Not only was it terrible – it was incorrect. The very thought that my client was doing this stretch set off red flags in my head. Bing – Bing – Bing – my brain like a slot machine in Vegas was on overdrive just thinking about all of the people out there who rely on fitness magazines for guidance. They rip, clip and cut out articles, workouts and exercises that may not be correct or appropriate for them.

These days you can get an entire workout in a magazine.  Of course the majority of the models are svelte and in top shape, they make these exercises seem like a no brainer. Consumer beware – while I’ve seen some great stuff in them, I’ve also seen some things that alarm me. Don’t believe what you see – read the directions on how to do the exercise. Oh no – directions aren’t always correct either!! When in doubt consult with a fitness professional, never do something that isn’t right for you.

Dial F for Fitness

I’m excited to announce that fitness is just a phone call away. Now you can opt to work with me via the telephone. This is a convenient, cost effective and efficient solution for those who prefer using technology and don’t require on site training. The only one difference is that you don’t interact face to face with me. (Your loss – just kidding!) You’ll get the same outstanding service and comprehensive programming that you would in a traditional setup.

Stay tuned for further details…….next up is online training!


I’m Thankful

These days I am thankful for just about everything. My health is at the top of the list. Without it I simply could not enjoy life to the extent that I do. If I were to become suddenly ill with a life threatening disease, I imagine that my family would be devastated, including myself. Honestly, terrible things can happen to any of us. In my case, I’d have no choice but to cope with what life deals me.

During a recent group fitness class on the memory impairment unit at a local hospital in which I teach, I asked the residents what they were thankful for.

Joe was one of the first to respond with, “I’m glad to be alive at 84 and have my mind.” Pete followed with, “I’m thankful to be getting over my hangups.” We all laughed and thought for a moment about our own hangups. Mary said, “I’m thankful for being in a place like this where they take such good care of me.”

In this fleeting moment – we all captured the essence of what it is we are thankful for – the conclusion is that it’s good to be alive no matter what circumstances you are dealing with or condition you are in! You are here with us and that is what counts.

The Rewards of Group Fitness

I teach a number of group fitness classes through Brookline Adult Education. Similar to my classroom teaching days, I strive to create a playful and fun experience, which keeps participants coming back for more! I seek to quickly establish a cohesive community among the participants. I particularly enjoy group fitness classes, because they tend to draw a diverse group of people of varying ages, stages in life and levels of health and fitness.

This fall semester has been particularly rewarding. Even though my running class has concluded, they continue to run together on a weekly basis! In my bootcamp, people are socializing, mingling and meeting new people. They continue to hang out and chatter with me and one another even though the class has ended. On one occasion, two participants were planning to meet up and work out together!

This is one of my goals- to build relationships, so participants can continue to exercise together outside of class. Research shows that those who exercise with a partner are more likely to sustain it and remain motivated. Of course there are those who like to exercise independently and savor that time alone. I like both options.

If you haven’t taken a group fitness class I suggest enrolling in one that appeals to you!

Change is good

Too much of the same is never a good thing when it comes to fitness. I often find that clients have been doing the same workout program for years, wondering why they’ve reached a plateau and why they aren’t making any more progress. The body and mind gets used to a routine and that isn’t necessarily a good thing for your fitness goals.

Don’t get too cushy with your program. Switch it up! Get out of your comfort zone and watch some great things happen to you.  You should change all aspects of your program on a monthly basis. Your cardio, strength and flexibility program should not be something that you are locked into.  Fitness is not a CD or Money Market account!  Both you and your program should evolve and not stagnate.

A Change is Gonna Come

With the election now behind us, the song, “A Change is Gonna Come,” by Sam Cooke has been playing over and over in my head. I’ve got a string of many post election victory songs in my head today.

This is Joan Walsh’s,, Editor in chief’s late night playlist. I hope she won’t mind that I created a post election mix from it and added some of my own choices –

Everyone’s calling Indiana for Obama, finally. So I won’t be jinxing anything if I post my Obama victory playlist 
People Get Ready                                                              Curtis Mayfield
 Oh, Mary Don’t You Weep no More                                    Bruce Springsteen
 I’ll Take You There                                                                   Staples Singers
 Touch the Sky                                                                            Kanye West
 Beautiful Day                                                                             U2
Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now                                                      McFadden/Whitehead
The Promised Land                                                                  Bruce Springsteen
I Say a Little Prayer                                                                  Aretha Franklin
Signed, Sealed, Delivered                                                       Stevie Wonder
Your Love Keeps Lifting Me (Higher and Higher)         Jackie Wilson
 Jackie Wilson Said                                                                 Van Morrison
 The Rising                                                                                 Bruce Springsteen
 Move on Up                                                                               Curtis Mayfield
 Encore                                                                                         Jay-Z
 For Once in My Life                                                                Stevie Wonder

— Joan Walsh

May I add: Dreamer – Chris Brown, Everyday People – Sly & The Family Stone, If You Love Somebody Set Them Free – Sting, Dancing in the Street – Martha Reeves, Future Love Paradise – Seal…..