Where’s My Hamstring?

I was demonstrating proper form during the stretching component of one of my group fitness classes, when an eager participant asked, “Where’s my Hamstring?” He had no clue it’s whereabouts despite my detailed demonstration.

I was pleased that he had an inquiring mind and gladly pointed out the location of the hamstring muscle. He befriended  not one but both hamstrings! 

Much of the joy and satisfaction in my work comes from helping people get back into their bodies. I have noticed that many people live in their heads and removed from their bodies. There is a disconnect between mind and body. My job is to bridge that disconnect, to educate and reaquaint them with the wonderful feeling of their unique physical movement. I seek to cultivate mindfulness – body awareness in each class. Awareness that prompts participants to be attentive to their body, to critique their form and ask questions of themselves like, “What am I doing in this particular moment?” “Why am I doing this kind of exercise?” “How am I doing this movement?” “What does it feel like?”

Author: gobefitc

What do you think of when the word fitness comes to mind? What images and thoughts appear? What are you doing in that moment? Is it enjoyable or are you just going through the motions? Beth's philosophy is that fitness should be fun, goal-oriented, realistic and integrated into daily life, regardless of age, gender, health and level. Attitude is everything when it comes to health and fitness. She inspires and motivates every individual to utilize their greatest gifts: their body, heart and mind, by creating a dynamic and functional program that incorporates fitness into everyday life. The days of tedious and monotonous workouts are over! Instead, you get an exhilarating program that suits you. Variety is the spice of life! Participating in a lifelong fitness program that excites you, empowers you, and reflects you and your goals is your ultimate health and fitness success story. The real question is: What do you imagine for yourself now — at whatever stage you may be in your life?