This week I joined Facebook. A good friend convinced me. I must admit that I was leery at first. I have had so many requests to join other business networks such as Plaxo and Linked In. I flinch when some distant contact that I met once or barely remember sends me an invitation. I imagine getting sucked into a web that will require the hiring of extra administrative staff just to keep in contact with all of these close and distant contacts. Therefore I refrain from joining these groups because I fear that I will spend too much time “loitering,” there. I don’t have anything against this type of networking and maybe I am missing the point. For now I just don’t think that they are for me.
Now Facebook, is a different story. I find that it is wonderful to be able to stay connected to friends, family and colleagues without the pressure or formalities of these other networks. In this case, I like the KISS format – keep it simple stupid -that it actually works! I don’t plan on friending large amounts of people, even though I would love to because I truly enjoy people. Who knows what my future with Facebook holds for me? Maybe I’ll find my long lost best friend who moved to England when I was in High School? I already checked and she is not on Facebook!!!!