A participant at a recent seminar I presented, asked me this question. “Why should I challenge myself? My program is working for me?” I pondered her honest and wise question for a moment before I responded. I told her that to challenge or not to challenge yourself is always a choice. You are your own expert. Therefore, you make decisions about your health and fitness program. I also said that life is challenging. We don’t know what lies ahead of us regarding our health and fitness at any age. We need to build emotional and physical resilience. Hence, I believe that challenging oneself is important, because in the time of crisis, you would hopefully be able to heal sooner rather than later.
I tell people not to get too comfortable with their program. Too much of the same thing is not necessarily a good thing. It certainly can’t hinder, but how much does it help? Basically, you need to evolve with your program. You need to keep it fresh, interesting and challenging to make gains, especially if you are exercising consistently. Ultimately, it is up to you. I suggest trying out a simple challenge. You may be surprised by the results!