I believe that the health and fitness industry will need to make some significant adjustments this year as people’s financial priorities are changing. I know that I have made some key changes as a small business owner. I am offering more group fitness classes, small group and partner training, as a way to keep services accessible and affordable for all.
For one thing, I continue to offer classes through organizations whose mission is to keep fitness within everyones reach. I am doing my part to alter the perception that only celebrities or the wealthy can afford fitness services. Bottom line – everyone needs to stay healthy, especially given the rising costs of healthcare! Fitness is the best prevention.
How does one become or keep healthy and fit in a tough economy? For one thing, you could workout at home using minimal equipment, if that’s too much to ask, you could workout at home with a significant other or a friend, you could also take a group fitness class, or barter with a trainer. Yep – you could barter with me. I’ll do what it takes to keep you fit in these tough times.