The body knows what it needs. Since recovering this past year from two knee surgeries, I am paying close attention to what my body is telling me. This used to be a challenge for me. Stretching was not something that I did as an athlete and active person. I was so used to pushing and going that slowing down to stretch was not an integral part of my lifestyle. Now it is – I have recently returned to my yoga practice. It feels like a homecoming. How could I have been so neglectful of my body – my temple? Sounds sappy but it’s so true.
Yesterday my left calf was aching, telling me to take a moment and stretch, which is what I did. Rather than ignore the signal, I heeded the call. Ah – yes – a gentle stretch brings such relief to the mind and body. The other day after a cardio workout my right TFL and IT band was tight, so I rolled out the band on my foam roller. I know the signs.
How often do most of us with our busy lives take a moment to check in and listen to our body? Take a moment to answer this question. For me, stretching has become a daily routine. I begin my day with some gentle stretches. By the afternoon my muscles are tight and need attention, so I seize the opportunity to stretch once again. It’s like eating a delicious snack. My favorite part of the day is the evening, when I can lie on the floor and do a floor based routine.
My clients know that stretching is an integral part of a holistic fitness program. Feel free to email me for some suggestions if need be, or better yet, listen to your body. Most likely it will tell you what needs stretching.