This past weekend I participated in a freestyle Total Immersion Swim Workshop. I was one of twelve participants. There were the diehard triathletes, the fitness swimmers and me, the fitness trainer. Fed up with my inefficient workouts, exhausted from following the dreaded black line in the pool, and frustrated by my terrible swim times, I signed up for the workshop.
I knew that I was in need of serious help since I learned to swim 45 years ago. Trust me, swimming has changed radically since then, thanks to Total Immersion. I have known this for a few years but since I wasn’t swimming, I didn’t care. Now I do, since I am swimming regularly. I don’t want to waste any more energy, time or effort in the pool.
This past weeked was life changing for me. I’m not kidding. Celeste, our swim coach videotaped each of the participants. She critiqued our swim with humor and gave us much needed feedback. I laughed when I saw my legs kicking madly like a wind up toy, and immediately knew that was a complete waste of valuable energy. I also saw how I sank in the water as I swam in a flat position.
In two days, I went from muscling the water in a frenzy just to survive another workout to being much more relaxed and zen in and with the water. I learned some basic skills like finding my sweet spot, lengthening my vessel, fish and skating. I don’t want to elaborate more, because I think that anyone who wants to swim should check out the Total Immersion program.
At the end of the workshop, I saw the videotape of my new skills. I felt confident that I can swim much more efficiently. Yesterday, during our practices, for the first time, I did not feel exhausted and depleted of energy. My breathing was OK. No more dreaded workouts – as I head to the pool with purpose, clarity and focus. As Celeste exclaimed, “Who knows what you’ll do with your swimming.” Meaning – there may be triathlons in my future? For now, I am happy just to swim better.