This week is National Health Week. As far as I am concerned – every week is national health week!
Newsweek recently featured a compelling cover story entitled “Exercise and the Brain.” Yes – it’s true exercise can make you smarter. This is something that I have always suspected. I suggest that you read the articles in this issue. I certainly am more productive and focused after a great cardio workout and I hope that if not smarter, at the least, I have retained and created some brain cells.
From this article, I learned that exercise may also play a role in preventing dementia and Altzheimer’s. As a middle aged boomer, I can attest to many recent random losses of memory that occur unexpectedly- such as searching for my keys only to find them in the freezer (after food shopping), or stopping in mid sentence – forgetting what I had intended to say, to recently picking up the phone only to forget who I wished to call. The list goes on.
Given the findings in the Newsweek cover story, you’d think that people would think of exercise as a vitamin, and get their daily dose on a consistent basis. If this were the case, we’d all be smarter, healthier and fitter. As far as I’m concerned, exercise often gets a bad rap and is perceived as work to many people! As a fitness professional, it is my mission to change this perception. From now on I’m going to motivate people by telling them that exercise can make them smarter! I’ve got lots more ideas and topics to blog about on the many benefits of exercise.
To be continued…your thoughts are always welcomed!