Soon to be 52 and suffice to say that at middle age I am finally fully comfortable in my own skin. Despite the fact that I have begun to feel my age recently. I felt the initial betrayal at my last physical. The scale showed my weight 10 pounds heavier than the year before. What???? How could that be? I exercise regularly and eat healthy. My clothes still fit. It’s called midlife – perimenopause – menopause – my hormones are going beserk and I have little control over it. I woke up one day to discover a bit of weight around the middle. I’ll spare you of more details.
The road to accepting my body and making peace with it has been a long and memorable one. I think back to my youth. I played tennis in baggy shorts rather than a skirt because I was self-conscious of my muscular thighs. Today I celebrate their strength and power. Their defined presence outlined boldly in my pants. Those legs have seen great times!
I also wanted height. Lots of it. At 5’2″, I longed to be 8″ taller. Why? I was sure that it would help my tennis, volleyball and basketball game. Tall people had an advantage. I hated them because they were always looking down at me. I had to cran my neck to look up at them! I’ve been called petite – now that’s a description I can live with – I like being small, able to fit compactly in any space and place with little fuss. My legs don’t hang out over the bed. I have never felt gawky or clumsy as a short gal. My small limbs never thrashed about like some tall people I know!
I’m proud to say that I am fine just as I am, comfortable in my own skin. I’ll never be a skinny legged 5’10” woman, what a relief!